Alondra Nicole Acevedo Del valle
3 min readApr 27, 2021


My Love For Music

Since I was little my family introduced me to the beauty of music. My grandma every night sing to me and my uncle spent all day making recordings of mine in his music studio. When I was 11th my uncle show me all the recordings that he had in his house. That day he said to me that I had the talent to sing, so he takes his guitar and starts to play one of my favorite songs.
From that moment I fell in love with singing it was like a dream come true because all my life I was a super fan of Hanna Montana, she was an icon for me. I wanted to be her so badly and so my dream came true thanks to my uncle. I have to admit at the beginning I didn’t sound so great but with the time and a lot of practice, I’m perfecting my voice.

When I turned 17 I was in a church and from the first time I enter my dream was to be part of their worship team, so one day they announced that they were going to have auditions so I prepared, I have to admit I was so afraid that I didn’t see the lyrics of the song because of my nerves. When they gave me my result I didn’t pass because of my nerves but they say to me that I have the talent and that they wanted to give me my second chance. So I did my second audition and it was so much different, I was more confident and so they say YES!! I was so happy that I started to cry and jump.

It feels so nice to work hard for your dreams and to make them real. I recommend to people to never let their dreams disappear because of a bad comment of people that only want to see them in a bad position. Do what makes you happy don’t try to always please everyone with what they want for you because it is not their future is yours and if you don’t do what you like you will regret it.
I had too many obstacles even my family tell me to not do the singing thing because I was not going to be famous or something like that but I dint leasing to them and start to make my own decisions as an adult teenager. I want to learn from my own mistakes and take them as a way of self-growing.

If I can give a piece of good advice will be to never stop believing in you and to take your errors as a good thing because they will help you in bad circumstances. In one future I will like to be a singer that many people know to do a conference and spread my experience not only in music but in my daily life and how I learn many things.
To show people that famous singers have problems like normal people and they have emotions. Maybe one day make a program for singers that have personals problems and make them feel safe and to n prevent them from depression and bad things like that. My love for music is something that I can’t explain with words when I sing all the bad things are gone and my face changes completely. It is something that only the people that share my same love are capable of feeling. I wish that one day I can combine digital production with my talent, it will be a good experience.

Maybe having a product that is all about music will be a good idea to combine them. I will always follow my dreams and will not let anyone stop me. The world is from the brave ones because of the scared people there isn’t right anything, or that is what my grandma always say to me since I was a little kid. This is the beginning of a good and long journey in my life as Alondra. Thanks to God to let me live my dreams every day and to my grandparents and my uncle for always believing in me.

